Piano Loop Academy


11.Piano Loop

Academy  - Summer

Traditionally Piano Loop Academy consists of masterclass and concert series which represents a unique project of this kind in Croatia.
The participation fee includes:
• 4 individual lessons (60 minutes) with the chosen professor (or any combination of professors)
• final concert with best participants
• free entrance to all piano recitals and lectures
• free passive participation in any masterclass
• Masterclass diploma
• Practice rooms (minimum of 3 hours per day)
• Free entrance to all Piano Loop Festival concerts (23-30 August 2024)



arie vardi

Read biography

natalia trull

Read biography

philippe raskin

Read biography


Read biography


Application and payment
There is no age limit.
All participants will benefit from the carefully scheduled lessons, master classes and advice of all participating professors. The application deadline is extended until June 30th, 2024. To apply, please complete and submit the Application Form) which you can access by clicking here, together with a registration fee which is non-refundable. Participants will be notified upon acceptance and given instructions for completing their registration and fee payment.

Students who, according to the evaluation of the Academy faculty and of the Artistic Director of the Piano Loop Academy will have the possibility of being inserted into the Piano Loop Concert Season 2024/25.

To apply for a place in the Piano Loop Academy, please fill in the application form and send registration fee confirmation. Registration fee is non-refundable. In the unlikely event of the Piano Loop Academy being cancelled, your deposit will be refunded. All applications must be received by June 30th 2024 (Application Deadline). Any exchange expenses or bank commissions will be charged in full to the student. 

The price does not include:
• Airport transfer with airport shuttle or a taxi.*
• Accommodation*
• Extra lessons during the masterclass.*

*Available upon request

•⁠ ⁠4 lessons with one or multiple professors from the following list:
Prof. Natalia Trull, Prof. Philippe Raskin & Prof. Andreas Frölich

Registration fee: 100 EUR due by June 30 2024
Masterclass fee: 380 EUR due by the start of the Piano Loop Academy, 23 August 2024

•⁠ ⁠3 lessons with one or multiple professors from the following list:
Prof. Natalia Trull, Prof. Philippe Raskin & Prof. Andreas Frölich
•⁠ ⁠1 lesson with Mto. Arie Vardi

Registration fee: 100 EUR due by June 30 2024
Masterclass fee: 480 EUR due by the start of the Piano Loop Academy, 23 August 2024

•⁠ ⁠4 lessons with one or multiple professors from the following list:
Prof. Natalia Trull, Prof. Philippe Raskin & Prof. Andreas Frölich
•⁠ ⁠1 lesson with Mto. Arie Vardi

Registration fee: 100 EUR due by June 30 2024
Masterclass fee: 580 EUR due by the start of the Piano Loop Academy, 23 August 2024

Applications Deadline: 30 June 2024

Please fill out the application form and attach the following document by July 30 2024:
• a payment confirmation for the registration fee which is non-refundable
Registration fee: 100 EUR due by June 30 2024
The rest of the fee: due by the start of the Piano Loop Academy, 23 August 2024
Passive participation:
100 EUR
This needs to be sent with the note ”free of charge for the recipient”

Biokovska 4, 21000 Split, Croatia
Bank account info (outside Croatia):

Holder: Association Piano projekt
IBAN HR1223400091110446410
Account Owner Residence Address: Biokovska 4, Split 21000
Account no. : 2340009-1110446410
Bank Account Name: Privredna banka Zagreb
Bank Residence Address: Rackoga 1, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Application form

Applications Deadline: 30 June 2024
Piano Loop Academy Summer 2024

Please select professors and number of lessons




Participants may choose to attend the Academy with either ACTIVE or PASSIVE status. ACTIVE participants will be given 4 individual lessons, the opportunity to perform in master classes and at least one public recital. Each day consists of private lessons and master classes. PASSIVE participants are allowed to attend lessons and all other events. Passive participants may be given one lesson with the chosen faculty member (price upon request). Active participants may be given extra lessons with the chosen faculty member (price upon request). Each participant shall receive a Piano Loop Academy diploma. Active participants can shorten the course but not the number of lessons. All lessons and master classes are open to all participants. The majority of instructions will be held in English. However, some lessons and specialized classes may be held in French, Russian, or German. Should the total of 21 valid applications not have been reached by June 30, 2024, the administration reserves the right to shorten the festival, although this measure will not reduce the lesson units per participant. The administration reserves the right, should an instructor be prevented from attending, to provide a comparable substitute at its own discretion or to cancel the course. Should a course be completely cancelled, all paid fees will be reimbursed to the participants. No other claims will be recognized. 



For written cancellations submitted by the application deadline date, the participation fee will be refunded; the registration fee will, however, be retained. Please always indicate your bank account information in case of cancellation. A refund of the participation fee for withdrawals after the application deadline date is only possible in proven cases of force majeure (e.g. illness, accident). Such withdrawal must be effected before the beginning of the Academy. For later cancellations, the course fee will be retained.
Participation fee cannot be refunded if the candidate stops attendance on his own initiative.

Piano Loop Academy


Piano Loop Academy-Piano Projekt Association

Josip Hatze Music School
Trg Kralja Tomislava 6, 21000 Split, at the historical city centre
Copyright 2022 © Piano Projekt Association
by Ivanko Perišić & studioP
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